Find relief through a Shiatsu Massage at the Acupuncture Jerusalem Clinic. Call now for more information and to book an appointment.

What Is A Shiatsu Massage?
Shiatsu Massage is a Japanese style therapy which can safely provide relief from a number of medical problems while promoting relaxation and health. A shiatsu session at Acupuncture Jerusalem lasts approximately 60 minutes. Shiatsu massage involves use of the fingers, palms and thumbs all over the body or focusing on particular parts of the body in need of relief.
This traditional technique traces back to 1320, when anma, a Japanese massage and shiatsu’s predecessor, developed as a common practice. 300 years later, anma became popular in tandem with acupuncture. Today, there are all different styles stemming from philosophical and theoretical differences. Some forms focus on acupressure points while others emphasize the flow of energy.
Top 5 Benefits Of Shiatsu Massage Explained
1) Relaxation
Shiatsu is one of the most effective massage forms for pure relaxation. Take advantage of a shiatsu massage to experience an hour of therapy which not only relieves the body but the mind as well.
2) Helps with Anxiety and Mood
Shiatsu is capable of lowering the blood pressure and heart rate that result from pent up anxiety by relieving anxiety itself. Additionally, a shiatsu massage can promote mood and mental health. By releasing serotonin and endorphins, anxiety will subside and mood will improve during and following a shiatsu massage.
3) Muscle Tension and Muscle Pain
Muscle spasms, cramping, and stagnancy benefit from the physical pressure applied by shiatsu. Stretching and pulling during the massage relieves muscle aches. Putting therapeutic pressure on the necessary areas will stimulate circulation to release tension.
4) Relief from Ailments
Bodily ailments including chronic pain, indigestion, migraines, insomnia and more can be treated by a shiatsu massage. Shiatsu massage therapy stimulates the release of pain blockers, relieving the body from pain which may stem from a number of sources. Consult with our head of practice to learn whether your ailment may be suitably treated by a shiatsu massage.
5) Energize
One of the most commonly reported benefits of shiatsu massage is an increase in energy. Experience a shiatsu massage to promote energy in both the short- and long-term thanks to its therapeutic effects.

Are There Risks To Performing A Shiatsu Massage?
There are dangers associated with performing shiatsu over troubled skin areas, such as areas featuring bruises, inflammation or wounds. Additionally, patients who suffer from conditions such as osteoporosis, heart disease, or a blood clotting disorder may not be suitable for a shiatsu massage.
Get A Shiatsu Massage In Jerusalem
Your mind and body deserve both relaxation and an energy boost. Experience both with a therapeutic shiatsu massage in Jerusalem. Shiatsu not only traditionally promotes health, but can holistically empower your body to help itself.
Offering a therapeutic Shiatsu Massage in Jerusalem, Jamie Bacharach is a licensed and experienced Shiatsu Massage Therapist practicing at a convenient Jerusalem City Center location. Whether you’re looking for relief from a medical problem or rest and relaxation, a shiatsu massage can fulfill your needs. Experience a Shiatsu Massage in Jerusalem with Jamie Bacharach today by booking an appointment online or by phone.