Find relief through Acupuncture Treatment at the Acupuncture Jerusalem Clinic. Call now for more information and to book an appointment.

About Acupuncture: Acupuncture Explained
Acupuncture is one of the oldest and most respected medical practices in the world – and for good reason. Backed by centuries of healing, acupuncture has developed a reputation for effectively curing ailments and illnesses where progressive medicine often falls short.
By redirecting internal energy, acupuncture serves to address the underlying causes of illness, rather than the symptoms themselves. This allows acupuncture treatment to permanently heal injuries and illnesses that conventional medicine often fails to.
How Does Acupuncture Work?
Acupuncture works by inserting thin needles at various acupuncture points in order to manipulate our bodily energy.
By redirecting energy, or qi, internally, acupuncture can strengthen internal weaknesses, thereby healing diseases, relieving tension and strengthening the body. Chinese Medicine teaches that our internal organs and illnesses don’t always require direct intervention – rather, strengthening the body as a whole can prove effective at healing many ailments. That is what acupuncture seeks to achieve. Some of the medical problems which acupuncture is commonly used to treat includes:
- Joint problems, rheumatoid arthritis
- Circulatory problems, high blood pressure
- Headaches, migraines, nausea
- Fertility issues, menopause, PMS, cramping
- Multiple sclerosis, bone weakness
- Muscle pain, muscle strains, muscle cramping
- Recovery from injury
- Indigestion, IBS, Crohn’s disease
- Stress, anxiety, depression
- Insomnia, sleep apnea
- Back pain, neck pain, joint pain
- Child behavioral problems
- And more
While acupuncture treatment can sometimes provide remarkable benefits after just one session, multiple sessions are often needed in order to yield substantial and lasting results. A typical acupuncture treatment lasts for one hour, which includes time dedicated to speaking with the patient regarding his or her symptoms.
Acupuncture treatment is suitable for virtually everyone. While your doctor should be consulted regarding your medical choices, acupuncture remains a safe treatment option to address most forms of illness and injury.

Treatment From Jamie Bacharach Dipl.Ac At Acupuncture Jerusalem
At Jamie Bacharach’s clinic in Jerusalem, patients can expect to receive effective treatment which is designed to eliminate their discomfort and cure them of their illness. Jamie is a member of the Israeli Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine and studied at the Reidman International College for Complementary and Integrative Medicine in Jerusalem where she currently instructs in the student clinic.
Having learned from some of the most brilliant medical minds in Israel and the world, Jamie’s acupuncture treatment style is designed to maximize both effectiveness and comfort during treatment.
Acupuncture In Israel
Millions of people enjoy acupuncture around the world daily, and it is a wholly respected field of medicine in Israel. With over 1,500 active practitioners country-wide and a dedicated acupuncture department in all major Israeli hospitals, acupuncture is a truly mainstream form of medical treatment which Israeli’s take advantage of on a regular basis.
Acupuncture treatment in Israel is typically privately funded, but some health insurance companies do subsidize treatment in hospital clinics or offer partial-to-full reimbursement for private treatment.
Israeli Health Insurance and Acupuncture Treatment:
Other Acupuncture in Israel resources:
- Israeli Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine (IACTM)
- Reidman International College for Complementary and Integrative Medicine
- Shelem College For Complementary Medicine
It is highly advised to only seek treatment from an insured, licensed and experienced acupuncturist in Jerusalem. Exploring online reviews and asking your doctor can be a great way to find the right acupuncturist.